The Alan 10 Adventures Wikia
The Map of Infinity
The Map of Infinity
Episode information
Number 9
Writer(s) Alanomaly
Previous Ultimate Aggregor
Next Deep
Other information

The Map of Infinity is the ninth Ultimate Alien chapter of Clock 10: Choose Your Own Adventure.


Major Events[]

  • Clock from the past joins up with the team in the present.
  • Ultimate Aggregor obtains the first piece of the Map of Infinity.


  • Clockwork Firefly
    • 24-year-old Clock
    • 18-year-old Clock
  • Taryn Firefly
  • Kevin Levin
  • Magister Patelliday
  • Plumbers
  • Professor Paradox
  • Azmuth


  • Aggregor
  • Necrofriggians
  • Cerberus

Aliens Used[]

24-year-old Clock[]

18-year-old Clock[]


  • The canon inclusion of Young Ben wasn't until The Forge of Creation. Young Clock was brought in during this episode and to be kept until the end of the arc to make things more interesting.
    • The way Young Clock was brought into the present was when Rath attacked Aggregor in the previous episode, breaking Paradox's machine, which in turn caused a temporal anomaly resulting in Young Clock arriving in the present.
Clock 10: Choose Your Own Adventure Episodes
Original Series And Then There Were 10 | Washington B.C. | The Krakken | Hunted | Kevin 11 | Secrets | Framed | Camp Fear | Ghostfreaked Out | Grudge Match | Dr. Animo & The Mutant Ray | Back With a Vengeance | Clock 10,000 | Clockwolf | Under Wraps | The Return | Be Afraid of the Dark | The Visitor | Divided We Stand | Secret of the Omnitrix | Hippocra-10
Alien Force Clock 10 Returns | Everybody Talks About the Weather | Kevin's Big Score | All That Glitters | Paradox | Geralt Out | Pier Pressure | Plumbers' Helpers | X = Clock + 2 | Save the Last Dance | Darkstar Rising | Good Copy, Bad Copy | Alone Together | War of the Worlds | Vengeance of Vilgax | Simple | Alien Swarm | Busy Box | Singlehanded | The Con of Rath | The Final Battle
Ultimate Alien Fame | Duped | Video Games | Escape From Aggregor | Too Hot to Handle | Andreas' Fault | Fused | Ultimate Aggregor | The Map of Infinity | Deep | Where the Magic Happens | Perplexahedron | The Forge of Creation | Absolute Power | Hero Time | Greetings From Techadon | Double or Nothing | Above and Beyond | Clock 10,000 Returns | Couples Retreat | Prisoner Number 775 is Missing | The Ultimate Sacrifice | The Night of the Living Nightmare | Inspector 13 | Heroes United | When in Rome... | Awful Tower | Devil's Advocate | Terra-Caught Off Guard | Tokyo Nights | Amazon Prime | On the Rome Again | Shin To'kustar
Omniverse Clock 10,010 | The More Things Change | Trouble Helix | It Was Them | So Long, and Thanks for All the McRonald's | Of Predators and Prey | Outbreak | Malefactor | Showdown | Crossover Nexus | Clock Again | Store 23 | Food Around the Corner | Rad | Tummy Trouble | Vilgax Must Croak | While You Were Away | The Frogs of War | The Ultimate Heist | A Fistful of Brains | For A Few Brains More | If All Else Fails | And Then There Were None | And Then There Was Connor | The Final Word | Universe v. Firefly | Arrested Development | The Galactic Enforcers | Something Zombozo This Way Comes | The Final Countdown | Basic Training | Pet Project | They Lurk Below | Bros in Space | Clock 10 vs. The Negative 10: Part 1 | Clock 10 vs. The Negative 10: Part 2
Reboot The Vengers | The Clockwork Parable | Catch A Falling Star | Animo Crackers | What Are Lucky Girls Made Of? | Alien X-Tinction | Mystery, Incorporeal | Revenge of the Swarm | Charmed, I'm Sure | Charm School | Third Time's a Charm | In Charm's Way | Let There Be Carnage | Rad Monster Party | The Anur Mash | A Change of Face | The Enemy of Trust | The Vampire Strikes Back | Anur Vladias | Time Heals | The Wizard of Loss | Tourist Trap | The Big Story | Don't Drink the Water | The Transmogrification of Eunice | Destroy All Aliens | Girl's Night | Clock Ones | No Honor Among Bros | ...Nor Iron Bars a Cage | The Perfect Girlfriend | The Rooters of All Evil | Lusus Naturae | Weapon XI | Bad Trip | Of Golden Clocks and the Ursai Three | I'll be Here When the Morning Comes | The Mime Behind the Laughter | A Cat Most Anomalous | Objects in Serenity | Totally Good, Totally Evil | Clock's Choice | Laying Low | Courthouse Blues | The Night Clockwork Firefly Came to Town
Non-Canon Merry Clockmas