The Alan 10 Adventures Wikia
The Alan 10 Adventures Wikia
The Alan 10 Universe: Piscciss
TA10U Piscciss
Episode information
Release date May 28, 2022
Number 1
Writer(s) Blake
Previous The Alan 10 Universe: Earth
Next The Alan 10 Universe: Tractpala
Other information
Alien Debuts Gobblin Shark

The Alan 10 Universe: Piscciss is the first episode proper of The Alan 10 Universe.


"Hm... Oh! This is a fun one."

Piscciss faded into view.

"Piscciss. Home to the Piscciss Volanns, Premanns, and Owstoni."

The silhouettes of Ripjaws, Claw & Order, and Gobblin Shark appeared in front of the planet.

"The planet is, well, somewhat artificial. 98% of the entire celestial body is water. That remaining 2% is its rocky core, which features a device that generates a gravitational field which holds the planet together."

A cube with a pyramid coming from both the top and bottom was shown inside the core of Piscciss, being guarded by the species of the planet. The core then shifted to resemble an infinity symbol.

"In some universes, this piece of technology is a piece to the Map of Infinity, a device capable of transporting the user to anywhere they desire, including the Forge of Creation, home to the Celestialsapiens."

Starbeard's silhouette briefly appeared.

"But, they're for another day, and as far as Earth-1799.A goes, the Map of Infinity isn't something that exists. Now then, in regards to how a planet could be artificial and still have species that evolved there to begin with... Well. That leads us to what is arguably the biggest event in Piscciss' history."

Piscciss faded back into view, with a fiery sun appearing next to it.

"The Piscciss-Pyros War. Piscciss resides in the Pyros System, and the hot-headed Pyronites have had a bad streak of territorial disputes with other species in their system."

The silhouettes of Heatblast and Stinkfly appeared, and a flash of light then replaced them with the silhouette of Scorchnet.

"Originally, the initial planet, Aqu-Ares, wasn't too different from Earth. A planet with land but primarily ocean, it's how the species had evolved the ability to stay on land in any capacity."

Members of the common ancestor species between the Volanns and Owstoni were seen traversing Aqu-Ares' land. A meteor-like ship landed on the planet, and Pyronites stepped out.

"The Pyronites weren't looking for a fight, mind you. They simply wanted to make it clear that, because they live on the celestial body that makes life possible on the planets orbiting it, that they're rightfully in charge. In their minds, that is. The Piscciss Ancestor certainly wasn't thrilled about this, but they didn't turn to violence either... Not at first."

After a few minutes of being next to a Pyronite, a Piscciss Ancestor collapsed, having trouble breathing.

"An evolutionary drawback that the current species haven't quite moved past yet is the necessity of water to breathe. That one particular weakness made it difficult for the Ancestors to stick around the Pyronites... And, well, it led to the first death of what would be a tragedy."

The Piscciss Ancestors retreated to the waters. Pyronites attempted to follow, but drew back upon realizing their weakness to the substance.

"Aqu-Ares' population was at a significant disadvantage. Their homeworld was a paradise to them, so they never had the drive to make technological advancements that would protect them from attacks like these. On the other hand, the Pyronites were, obviously, to the point of space travel already. They did have the bonus of thriving in an environment the Pyronites couldn't get to, but hiding beneath the waves would only lead to the Pyronites taking over the land they once walked. And for a while, that's how it was. A stalemate between the land-walking Pyronites and ocean-dwelling Piscciss Ancestors. The time spent underwater would lead to the separation of the Owstoni and Volanns from their Ancestors."

An Ancestor faded as the visions of Ripjaws and Gobblin Shark appeared again.

"This stalemate didn't last forever. Obviously. One day, the Pyronites just seemed to... Up and leave. Curious Piscciss creatures left the waters and found that Pyronite ships had been left behind. In studying these devices, the Piscciss species found themselves being able to traverse space for the first time... And that's exactly what the Pyronites had wanted."

The Pyronite ships piloted by the Volanns and Owstoni left Aqu-Ares... Only to be lit up by the light of the planet being burned and its water boiled.

"The Pyronties wanted the Piscciss species to watch their planet die. Their ships had gone just far enough to still keep an eye on the planet, and watch for those who left the planet next to arrive. A powerful weapon charged by a supernova blasted Aqu-Ares into nothing but space debris. The Pyronites wanted this to be a message to any other planet in the Pyros system which defied their ruling. But, in a fun little twist, they ended up getting their own message instead. From the big guy."

The once menacing Pyronites found themselves cowering beneath the looming shadow of Starbeard.

"As punishment for the destruction of Aqu-Ares, Starbeard wiped out the technological advancements of the Pyronites. Anything that remained was given to the surviving Piscciss species. Some technology was infused into the biology of the remaining Premann, which is why they're all robotic today."

Claw & Order snapped his claw.

"Using more of the Pyronite technology, Starbeard himself formed the device which holds the new planet together. The enormous change in ecosystem from partial water, partial land to almost entirely water was a request by the survivors when Starbeard was forming their new world. A precaution. Should the Pyronites rebuild, they won't be able to invade the planet again."




  • This page was made as the 1,000th page on the wiki.
The Alan 10 Universe Episodes
Pilot Earth
Season 1 Piscciss | Tractpala | Salag | Abscondas | Sightra | Rabiado | Tempparatus | Gasceomestry | Nemunimos IV | The Hive
Season 2 Kylmyys | Hathor | Galvan Prime | Earth | Technomonium | Avunguibus | Galvan B | Vulpin | Terminihil | Pyros
Season 3 Hydrosia | Khoros | Petropia | Tuba Canarent | Plenum Metallo | Chalybeas | Encephalonus IV | Celluglobe | Aranhaschimmia | Lacuscis
Season 4 Lepidopterra | Dischronia | Alpha Proxima | Japatornn | Terradino | The Rüstung Marsh | Morburius | Sulucnumoh | Aeropela | Cosmic Storms
Season 5 Arburia | Ferrous Ferrum | Mor' Otesi | Luna Lobo | Anur Khufos | Anur Vladias | Anur Transyl | Anur Phaetos | Attrepellerre | Viscosia
Season 6 Prodilligo | Scalpasc | Fugna | Flors Verdance | Terraexcava | Monsekai | Plagnis | Amposphere | Cranvius | Yadergorod
Season 7 Miryks Koldharbore | Velocurre | Phalangngan | Prodentgium | Mons Igneus | Teslavorr | Cascareau | Circum Limus | X'Nelli | Ekoplekton
Season 8 Villamuus | Militvil | Geochelone Aerio | Regiignis | Ossicorca Oceanus | Reshorizon Nigrumforaminus | Panoplýlos | Gincarterria II | Bolag Mal | Zygor