The Alan 10 Adventures Wikia
The Alan 10 Adventures Wikia
The Alan 10 Universe: Earth
TA10U Earth
Episode information
Release date May 28, 2022
Number 0
Writer(s) Blake
Previous N/A
Next The Alan 10 Universe: Piscciss
Other information
Character Debuts Cain

The Alan 10 Universe: Earth is the pilot episode of The Alan 10 Universe.


"Let's start off simple." The Agent's voice narrated.

Earth appeared in the vast void of space.

"I'm sure you're aware of this one. You've probably lived there your entire life, assuming you're not an astronaut or alien in disguise. I, too, have my own history on Earth. Though, not this one, but that's for another time."

The silhouettes of numerous humans were seen in different environments. Cities, suburbs, country sides, beaches, deserts, snowy wilderness, etc.

"When viewed from the rest of the universe, Earth is, all things considered, young. Their species are just starting out. Humans have two equally strong characteristics that work against each other in regards to their development as a species: Their tenacity, and their ignorance."

Representing tenacity, the technological advancements of the internet, transportation via cars and planes, and humanity's existence on all continents were seen. Conversely, representing their ignorance, visions of war, segregation, and slavery were seen.

"It's true that humans aren't the only species guilty of these... Atrocities, let's call them. But the impact it has on such a young species makes them quite notorious. While the two characteristics tend to work against one another, it is possible for them to work in tandem. And it... Goes about as you'd expect."

War and technological advancement combined, resulting in a vision of the mushroom cloud of a nuclear bomb.

"As humanity continues, the mindsets of its populous have become more open to equality and peace, but they are far from reaching utopia."

Riots and attacks in cities were briefly seen.

"Now, it should be stated, humans aren't the only party involved on Earth, and I'm not just talking about the aliens that have visited numerous times throughout the planet's history. I'm talking about the Fæ."

Alexis Dwyer's silhouette was seen.

"The Fæ are believed to be an offshoot of human evolution... For the most part. They possess all manner of physical attributes the humans don't."

Providing more variety, mermaids, Satyrs, Minotaurs, and Cyclopes were shown.

"Physical attributes aren't the only difference though. Sure, half-man, half-bull is an interesting concept, and is a damn sure dangerous creature should you find yourself in the labyrinth, but there are some other powers that could be considered even more threatening."

Anton Ferdinand's silhouette was shown, with the only feature visible being his menacing smirk.

"Fæ live in secret amongst humans, for the most part. A majority of series are simply able to walk through a town and not have to worry about being discovered. But as you've already seen, it's not something every species can rely on."

The scene showed people in a city running away from an Ent.

"Those aliens I mentioned earlier came in handy for granting the Fæ the ability to bypass this issue with the use of ID Masks. Obviously, not all Fæ took to this idea, but that person you bumped into the other day might've just had the lower body of a horse in all reality."

The silhouettes of Aagia Skinwalker and Silk Donovan appeared, Agia over a dark background and Silk over a light one.

"Fæ are divided amongst the Light Fæ and Dark Fæ, and it's free will for them to decide which one. The Light Fæ more strictly follow the rules and traditions the Fæ have set in place. The Dark treat the rules like guidelines, and aren't as united as a group as the Light. The Light has a chosen Ash, and the Dark has a chosen Morrigan. As for who chooses them..."

Amos' silhouette was then shown in the grey area between Aagia and Silk.

"The Blood Royalty. It's believed that this type of Fæ is the leader, as their blood magic sets in stone the rules of the Fæ world. As such, a Blood Royalty, whether Blood King or Blood Queen, is the one who determines the leaders of the Light and Dark, those leaders answering only to the Royalty. It should be noted that, while multiple Blood Royalty can exist at a time, only one ever has their power active, and that is the one put in charge. When a Royalty dies, the next Royalty's powers activate, and it's up to the previous one's Ash and Morrigan to find the new one. That Royalty then gets to decide the new Ash and Morrigan, should they even replace them at all. Though..."

Amos, Aagia, and Silk had their silhouettes fade. Cain's silhouette then appeared.

"...The Blood Royalty was never really in charge in the first place."



The Alan 10 Universe Episodes
Pilot Earth
Season 1 Piscciss | Tractpala | Salag | Abscondas | Sightra | Rabiado | Tempparatus | Gasceomestry | Nemunimos IV | The Hive
Season 2 Kylmyys | Hathor | Galvan Prime | Earth | Technomonium | Avunguibus | Galvan B | Vulpin | Terminihil | Pyros
Season 3 Hydrosia | Khoros | Petropia | Tuba Canarent | Plenum Metallo | Chalybeas | Encephalonus IV | Celluglobe | Aranhaschimmia | Lacuscis
Season 4 Lepidopterra | Dischronia | Alpha Proxima | Japatornn | Terradino | The Rüstung Marsh | Morburius | Sulucnumoh | Aeropela | Cosmic Storms
Season 5 Arburia | Ferrous Ferrum | Mor' Otesi | Luna Lobo | Anur Khufos | Anur Vladias | Anur Transyl | Anur Phaetos | Attrepellerre | Viscosia
Season 6 Prodilligo | Scalpasc | Fugna | Flors Verdance | Terraexcava | Monsekai | Plagnis | Amposphere | Cranvius | Yadergorod
Season 7 Miryks Koldharbore | Velocurre | Phalangngan | Prodentgium | Mons Igneus | Teslavorr | Cascareau | Circum Limus | X'Nelli | Ekoplekton
Season 8 Villamuus | Militvil | Geochelone Aerio | Regiignis | Ossicorca Oceanus | Reshorizon Nigrumforaminus | Panoplýlos | Gincarterria II | Bolag Mal | Zygor