The Alan 10 Adventures Wikia
Silk Donovan
General Information
Full Name Silk Donovon
Status Alive
Occupation Ash (Formerly)
Alignment Good
Species Succubus
Planet Earth
Hair Color Black w/ White Stripe
Eye Color Brown (Default)
Blue (Powers)
Powers Sexual Inducement
Succubus Physiology
Chi Absorption
Age Immortality
Healing via Chi Absorption
Weaknesses Lack of Feeding
Debut Alan Normally

Silk Donovan is a minor character in The Alan 10 Adventures. She is the biological mother of Alexis Dwyer, and as such is a Succubus from the planet Earth.


Silk appears like an older and more tan version of Alexis.


Unlike her daughter, and despite her Succubus nature, she was rarely ever teasing or joking. Rather, she always seemed focused on whatever is important. Although she considers the Fæ rules "dickish," she follows them, primarily due to her affiliation with the Light especially having been the Ash for some time.

Despite having been absent for most of Alexis' life, she did care deeply for her daughter, and made sure she was good hands growing up. She gave Alexis to her claimed human, Anastasia Dwyer, who raised her with vague guidelines given to her by Silk which were determined by Fæ traditions. The most notable one of these is the "leaving the nest" tradition which resulted in Anastasia cutting contact with Alexis after the housefire, due to her age at the time.


  • Being a Succubus, Silk has the powers of her species. Given she's been around for quite some time, she's gained additional mastery over them. Notably, she has the ability to return the chi to those she takes it from, something Alexis didn't realize was even possible.


  • Silk has the weaknesses of her species.


About a year after giving birth to Alexis, Silk was summoned to meet with Blood King Amos, along with her disciples Count Roman Sange and Blair Trodaí, as well as Aagia Skinwalker, the former Morrigan of the Dark Fæ. Upon their arrival, they found Amos to be murdered, bloodied and strung up on a makeshift cross. The culprit would eventually reveal himself as Anton Ferdinand, a Mesmer who manipulated Amos into summoning his lackeys before killing him. After Anton's taunting, Silk knocked him out, and reluctantly began her search, along with Aagia, to find the next Blood Royalty. In the meantime, Alexis would be raised by Anastasia.

This endeavor would prove to take much longer than anticipated, as it wasn't until seventeen years later, during the events of Alan Normally, that Silk would finally be able to meet with her daughter. When the two finally met, Silk explained Fæ society and rules, as well as where she had been the entire time. The latter of which was done through a strange elixir put into the tea they drank, giving a visual representation of what happened in the past. When finished, Silk informed Alexis on one final thing: having to choose between the Light or Dark Fæ. It is currently unknown which side Alexis chose.



  • Silk's first name comes from Anna Silk, the actress who portrayed Bo Dennis in Lost Girl, from which Alexis and Fæ take their inspiration. Her last name has no significant meaning, other than being another name starting with D like Dwyer does.
The Alan 10 Adventures Characters
Main Protagonists Alan Nomaly | Alexis Dwyer | Jessica Nietzsche | Devin Lorenzo | Mason Babadzhanov | Pride
Main Antagonists Richard Nomaly | Envy | Professor Kimias Emina
The Annihilators Excambalir | ElevenEleven | Shadow | Lord Mitos | Techadon 59260 | Morpheus | Taylor Kendall | Becky Smith | Kyle Okami | Maklar Ampalon | Cilocub
The Sin Aliens Gluttony | Phazz Magistreen | Sloth
The Multi-Limb Army Dictator Agorm Hitmas | General Spinnehart | General Qualle | General Fliege
Imperfects Darama | Fly
Other Characters Mr. Wopadoptar | Dr. Gearo Morphanewal | Starbeard | The Agent | Hagan Maximus | Troobel Mischife | Sir Bedilkong Cerebronittion | Alan's Family