The Alan 10 Adventures Wikia
Red on a Rival
Red on a Rival
Episode information
Release date April 22, 2020
Number 2
Writer(s) Alanomaly
Previous Wall Breakers
Next Freezerburnt
Other information

Red on a Rival is the second episode of The Alan 10 Skits.


Red on a Rival[]

[Chloe flipped off a platform and landed behind a wooden shelter while holding a paintball gun. She turned to see Alexis and Wildvine nearby.]

Chloe: You two feel like helping?

[Wildvine stretched his arms up, each holding a paintball gun, as well as two of his legs that had guns, blindly firing off red paintballs at the other team, comprised of Mason, Devin, and Pride. Alexis stealthily peaked around a corner and shot one, hitting Devin in the back.]

Alexis: You're never gonna hit them like that, Alan.

[Wildvine groaned and peaked his head up, only to be shot directly in the eye with one of the paintballs, causing him to fall back and transform into Alan. He wiped the paintball from his face and became infuriated.]

Alan: Of course, you realize, this means war.

[Alan slammed down on the core of the Simplicitrix and became Alanomany. He slammed himself on the ground and duplicated, before doing it again, making four of himself. There was a bright red flash behind the shelter as the opposing team went to fire, only to look horrified as they saw Kickin Hawk, Anenemy, Ouroborosaurus, and Spiker coming out, armed and ready.]

Through Your Eyes Again[]

[Alexis was stretching her body in an odd manner as Chloe walked up. Alan's voice came from Chloe and Mason's from Alexis.]

Alan: Is... something wrong?

Mason: I really thought having the body of the opposite gender would feel a lot more different than this.

Alan: Yeah, it doesn't really feel different until you get to the nitty gritty.

Mason: ...What exactly does that mean?

Alan: This isn't the first time I've had tits.

[Alexis, controlling Mason's body attempted to swing across the room, but fell down onto her face.]

Alexis: ...You two make it look easy.

[Alan rolled his eyes before looking over at Chloe in his body. She clenched the Simplicitrix and caused a giant, blue rock formation to grow around her other arm unintentionally, making it fall to the floor and not move.]

Alan: Yeah, that happens if you don't know what you're doing. Hey, Pride!

[Pride floated down through the floor, still in his own body.]

Chloe: [while trying to fix the rock arm] Where's Pride?

Pride: I'm right here.

Alexis: You didn't switch with Devin?

Pride: ...Was I supposed to?

Mason: Well, who the hell did Devin switch with, then?

[The front door then burst open violently, Devin's body thrown in while tied up in metal coils. Jail Berd came stomping in, seemingly putting his wings on his hips while his foot tapped.]


[Everyone's look changed from confusion to shock as Devin snapped.]

Interdimensional Hockey[]

[Chloe walked into the gaming room, pausing and being filled with surprise when she saw Diamondhead at the air hockey table, with half of the latter being put through a bright red portal.]

Chloe: What the hell is this?

Diamondhead: Got a competitive game of air hockey going with Ruby and Yang. Had to open up the portal to make it work.

Chloe: Okay... Why are you alien?

Diamondhead: ...It's very competitive.

[The puck came flying through the portal, completely covered in flames and increasing Chloe's concern as it came to Diamondhead, who blocked his goal to knock it back.]


Diamondhead: ...Extremely competitive. That was probably Yang.

[The scene followed the puck through the portal as it passed several alternate universes before entering Team RWBY's dorm in Earth-ERTH, where Ruby quickly blocked it from her goal with Crescent Rose.]

Ruby: Must... Not... Let... Alien Man... Win!

Yang: Is that what you call him?

Ruby: It's better than you just calling him by his full name!

Yang: No, no, no. I don't call him "Alan Nomaly," I call him "Alanomaly."


[In Ruby's distraction, she got in the head by the puck which was now frozen, causing it to ricochet around the room before winding up in the goal; Ruby fell to the ground unconscious. Arctiguana's voice could be heard through the portal.]

Arctiguana: Sorry!

Thinking With Portals[]

[The scene opened in Mr. Wopadoptar's class, with the group divided into pairs: Mason and Devin, Alexis and Chloe, and Alan and Pride. He approached Mason and Devin first.]

Wopadoptar: Now, let's see how you each did in your renewable energy project.

[Mason and Devin's project was a miniature power plant. Devin immediately charged it with his electricity before crossing his arms proudly. Wopadoptar looked over it unimpressed.]

Wopadoptar: What's going to happen when you run out of power, Mr. Lorenzo? You two will have to try again.

[The two became disheartened as the teacher moved onto the next. Alexis and Chloe had a model of solar panels attached to a fan, which was currently powered. Wopadopter studied it for a moment before putting his hand over the solar panels, surprising the two girls when the fan stopped.]

Wopadoptar: Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should've installed a light so it would replenish its own energy.

[He walked onto the next. Alan and Pride had set up a water wheel on wide supports. Alan quickly changed into Rabbiture, creating a portal on the ceiling, and then one under the wheel. Pride then pulled out a water bottle that he opened and poured onto the wheel. As the water went down the wheel, it fell through the bottom portal, coming out of the top portal and onto the wheel again. Attached to the wheel was a light that came on as it spun.]

Wopadoptar: Brilliant! Infinite hydroelectric power source! Perfect!

[Pride and Rabbiture shared a proud fist bump, while the other four stared at them angrily.]



Aliens Used[]

Alan Nomaly[]

Chloe Nietzsche[]


  • The plot of the second skit is similar to the episode Through Your Eyes. Alan also makes reference to having been body swapped with Alexis in that episode.


  • The title is a play on the phrase "dead on arrival."
The Alan 10 Skits Episodes
Season 1 Wall Breakers | Red on a Rival | Freezerburnt | Dubstep Off | Para-Nomaly