The Alan 10 Adventures Wikia
General Information
Full Name Cain
Nicknames God
Status Alive
Occupation TBA
Alignment TBA
Species Human (Formerly)
The Fæ (Currently)
Planet Earth
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Powers Mark of Cain
Attack Deflection
Land Sterilization
Fæ Creation
Fæ Artifact Creation
General Fæ Abilities
Weaknesses Survivor's Guilt
God Complex
Debut TBA

Cain is the last surviving member of the second generation of "modern humans." He is notably the son of Adam and Eve, and brother of Abel. The irony of him being the last surviving member of this group is him having become a later on, no longer being classified as a "modern human."




As the story goes, Cain committed the first murder of Earth, having killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. The being depicted as "God" in the Christian, Judaism, Islam belief systems is said to have denied Cain's crop offerings in favor of Abel's, prompting the murder. The sin, as well as Cain's initial lying, prompted "God" to cast him out of the Garden of Eden, but not after cursing him with the Mark of Cain. The Mark of Cain appeared in physical form as one of the twenty-two Hebrew letters of the Torah on his forehead, though which letter is unclear due to numerous contradicting accounts of the events, including those which don't refer to a physical Mark of Cain at all. Additionally, Cain's blood would prevent land from growing crops, and any attack on him would come back on those who came after him sevenfold. After reaching the Land of Nod, Cain would spawn a family, including a son known as Enoch, and he is believed to have died at age 730. However, most of this is religious conjecture. As far as Earth-1799.A goes, Cain was granted another curse with the Mark of Cain: immortality. Cain is forbidden from entering any afterlife, and attacks that do manage to bypass the "return to sender" function of the Mark yield injuries that heal. This includes attacks that would rightfully kill anyone else, such as decapitation or hanging.

The idea of Cain dying at age 730 is only partially true, as it could be said that the original Cain died at this age, and that the new Cain was born. The details of this are unclear, but it is at this age that Cain developed interesting abilities that set him apart from humanity. While Jesus Christ was established as the first Blood King in Alan Normally, Cain was the first Fæ in general, referring to himself as The Fæ, remarking himself as the original, definitive article. Cain's Fæ abilities are the seed from which all later Fæ would reap, as he has some form of power seen in later Fæ, such as the intoxication of a Dionysus or frequency generation of a Siren or Mermaid. It is through these powers that Cain would shape Earth's history, for better and worse alike.

Cain is responsible for having granted Fæ powers to several individuals, as well as having created Fæ artifacts, relics with supernatural powers. In addition to this, Cain also is the reason many events in history and religion/mythology have happened. One of his most notorious events dealt with Noah. Through his powers and disguising himself as "God," Cain warned Noah of a flood, and to build the Ark. Cain later presented himself to help with the Ark, promising to bestow the vessel with the power to survive the flood and save the animals aboard its ship in exchange for one of Noah's descendants to marry one of Cain's, which resulted in Noah's son Ham being the one in question. Unbeknownst to Noah, however, the flood was caused by Cain himself, due to Cain's abilities that would later be passed down to Atlanteans. This flood reshaped the world and has an incredibly high kill count with almost every living creature destroyed during the fact. When Cain finally ended the flood, he used a mix of Fairy and Leprechaun powers to spawn a rainbow as a sign of the end of the event. It is thought this flood is what spawned Cain's idea of the Atlantean flood later on, which he was also responsible for.

Cain, disgusted with the way the Egyptians treated the Hebrews as slaves, presented himself to Moses as "God" through the burning bush. The Staff in the Moses story was an artifact made by Cain for Moses to use against the Egyptians should the Pharaoh refuse to let their people go. The artifact's ability was to act as a conduit for Cain's powers, which became increasingly drastic as Cain's anger towards the enslavers grew, which notably resulted in the final Plague being the killing of Egypt's children during the Passover. His Atlantean abilities let the Hebrews walk through the Red Sea unscathed, while additional powers kept the Egyptians at bay. He would later give them the tablet bestowed with the Ten Commandments.

Yet another incredibly important action by Cain was the creation of the first Blood King, Jesus Christ. Rather than portraying himself as "God" this time, he presented himself as an angel named Gabriel, and informed her of the eventual child she would birth regardless of still being a virgin. While having talked to her, Cain himself created the circumstances in her body which would lead to Jesus' birth, as the first Blood King. The reasoning for making such a Fæ is the fact that, while Cain could rightfully see himself as the god of the Fæ due to creating them, he never wished to properly take on that leader role, opting to instead manipulate things from shadows and secrets with a low profile. The Blood King would instead take the place of ruling the Fæ, which Cain deemed necessary due to their extraordinary abilities. What he didn't seem to take into account, however, was the impact this would have on humans. Many considered Jesus the prophesied Messiah, thus creating the Christianity religion that branched away from Judaism and Islam. Those who saw him as a threat, namely the Romans, would later kill him, and the Blood King title went to Jesus' betrayer, Judas Iscariot, who divided the Fæ just before killing himself. Of course, the original Blood King was temporarily revived three days later, only to ascend once again. The specifics of this portion of the story regarding Cain's involvement are unclear.

Jesus was not Cain's first endeavor in creating more Fæ. Prior to this, Cain had been responsible for Ezekiel's undead army, as well as Samson's strength. A similar strength would also be granted to Heracles.

At one point, Cain was in the north eastern United States, and heard of a woman who had multiple children and was pregnant with another, but didn't want it, partially due to already having several, and partially due to this being her thirteenth, given the number's misfortune association. Cain's mindset at the time was very odd, as he was merciful in that he was going to help her get rid of the child, but morbid in how. Rather than an abortion by any conventional means, Cain deduced that his blood would help to keep her from giving birth; if it could make land sterile, then it could surely do the same to a person's anatomy. Unfortunately, when Cain's blood was added to the woman's womb to kill the baby, it ended up mutating the baby into a horrible monster that appeared like an upright, winged donkey, which would later be named the Jersey Devil.

Cain has since been involved in numerous stories throughout history, and where he is right now is anyone's guess.


Cain's morals seem to be in an incredibly grey area. Although he let jealousy and envy overtake him, leading to him killing Abel, he also appears to have some mercy and compassion, due to helping free the Hebrews. However, this also seems rather flimsy, as he didn't step in at all to help during the Holocaust. This grey moral compass is also evident in the Ten Commandments, due to the first sowing discourse as to who the true "God" is, and the Commandment of "thou shalt not kill" is contradictory to Cain's own acts of killing in the past. It is also entirely possible these Commandments are not his own scripture, or even ones he truly believes in himself.

Cain has succumbed to a literal god complex on numerous occasions due to his powers, leading to him making apocalyptic events, and creating whole new species in the form of the many kinds of Fæ. This complex was so impactful, that he on several instances disguised himself as the "God" of different belief systems.

Cain does have some level of guilt regarding all he has done, though how much and how it impact him is currently unclear.


  • The Mark of Cain grants Cain three powers:
    • Any blood of his spilled on the ground will prevent the ground from being fertile.
    • A majority of attacks on Cain are reflected on the attacker.
    • Immortality, including regeneration from attacks that bypass the attack reflection power.
  • At age 730, Cain was somehow made into the first Fæ, having access to the overall mystical powers he would later grant to individual species of Fæ. This power is so great that he is capable of apocalyptic levels of damage, such as the Flood.
  • Cain is able to create Fæ, either by granting powers to individuals, or through reproduction himself. Every species of Fæ that exists was intentionally created by him.
  • Cain is responsible for the creation of numerous Fæ artifacts. These powers grant individuals, Fæ or otherwise, powers that are conduits from Cain himself. The known ones are as follows:
    • Noah's Ark
    • Moses' Staff
    • Mjolnir
    • The Scepter of Was
    • The Atlantean Trident
    • Excalibur
    • The Holy Grail
    • Pasiphaë's wooden hollow cow


  • Cain's survivor's guilt and god complex make for an incredibly dangerous combination, especially considering his power set. It's likely this has caused him to go insane a number of times. Many things throughout history he's done could easily be seen as him doing them simply because he can.


  • Cain's curse to walk the Earth with immortality, paired with regenerating from fatal wounds, as punishment given by some deity is similar to the curse bestowed upon Salem by the Brother Gods in RWBY. It is not inspired by this, however. Some people actually believe Cain was forced to walk the Earth forever after killing Abel, while others believed he died at 730.
  • At one point, Cain interacted with Militvils prior to their extinction, and misidentified them as the Nephilim, the fallen angels. He later used them as inspiration for the Valkyries.
  • Other events and people Cain was likely involved with include:
    • The fish that devoured Jonah, as Cain could likely control the fish with Atlantean powers.
    • Manipulating H. H. Holmes into believing he was "born with the devil inside."
    • The eventual Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
    • Turning Vlad the Impaler into Count Dracula, the first Vampire.
    • The eruption of Pompeii.
    • The giants present in the stories of Moses, and David and Goliath.
    • Heracles' twelve labors.
    • Gef, the talking mongoose.
    • Nostradamus' future prophecies.
    • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being saved from Nebuchadnezzar II.
    • Joseph's dream interpretations in Genesis.
    • Literally anything regarding Rasputin.
  • Cain has also made artifacts that don't count towards the Fæ artifact collection, due to their lack of powers.
    • The Ten Commandments Tablet was made by Cain, but lacks powers; it only lists the Commandments.
    • The Antikythera Mechanism was created by Cain, though its purpose is unknown, and it's even possible it has no special ability.
  • There are probably several more recent events that could be talked about regarding this version of Cain, but due to them being too recent to adapt into something caused or influenced by Cain, they likely won't be added to this page. Examples would include things like 9/11 or certain presidential elections.
    • Additionally, things to do with some figures have been intentionally avoided and omitted, due to potential insensitivities regarding them. An example would be Mohammad.
  • Although a biblical story, and one I have particular interest in myself, Cain was not involved in the story of Ester at all. Outside of Ester's own belief in God, that story effectively has no deity presence whatsoever, and can all be considered happenstance and opportunistic.
  • Cain being portrayed as the original, definitive Fæ is similar to how the Doctor in Doctor Who refers to themselves as "the Doctor," the original and definitive article, you might say.
The Alan 10 Adventures Characters
Main Protagonists Alan Nomaly | Alexis Dwyer | Jessica Nietzsche | Devin Lorenzo | Mason Babadzhanov | Pride
Main Antagonists Richard Nomaly | Envy | Professor Kimias Emina
The Annihilators Excambalir | ElevenEleven | Shadow | Lord Mitos | Techadon 59260 | Morpheus | Taylor Kendall | Becky Smith | Kyle Okami | Maklar Ampalon | Cilocub
The Sin Aliens Gluttony | Phazz Magistreen | Sloth
The Multi-Limb Army Dictator Agorm Hitmas | General Spinnehart | General Qualle | General Fliege
Imperfects Darama | Fly
Other Characters Mr. Wopadoptar | Dr. Gearo Morphanewal | Starbeard | The Agent | Hagan Maximus | Troobel Mischife | Sir Bedilkong Cerebronittion | Alan's Family